Friday, April 8, 2011

Per request

Waxor inspired me this morning, so I'm sharing. Just imagine my Kermit voice:

"Why are there so many quests about Murlocs?
It's like they're a master race
I'm really not kidding, you can search every quest zone
They're fucking all over the place
I've killed them too many times to start counting
And still there are millions more
Someday we'll find it, the Murloc Connection
Just what are the bastards for?"

"The chorus of gurggles, first heralds the danger
And then they will swarm like flies
Kill them, then loot them, and then comes confusion
Why don't they all have two eyes?
Each little fucker has twelve goddamn clams
And I've got to open each one.
The Murloc Connection means they're everywhere
But killing 'em ain't no fun"

"Ladeeladeedadadum We know that they're all homiciiiiiiiidaaaaaaaal"

"Who says that Murlocs get bigger and stronger
As I make my way through zones?
Someday we'll see one, a Murloc End Raid Boss
Whose gurggles will make you moan
Colossal and evil with eyes that shoot lasers
Enslaving our pets to his will
The Murloc Connection, is just Mega-Murky
A fucking impossible kill."

"He's gonna swallow the world, da da da da da deee da duuuuummmmmmm."